I_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -oac lavc -lavcopts \Īcodec=mp3:abitrate=32 -srate 22050 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:\ Mencoder mymovie.avi -ofps 12 -o mymovie.flv -of lavf -lavfopts \

Next transcode the video to FLV format using mencoder: Sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/mencoder I've () that () produces higher quality FLV videos, so lets compare the mencoder output to ffmpeg by first downloading and extracting mencoder to /tmp.
Now create a page that loads your FLV movie note that you need to update the paths: To test the FLV movie you just created, download and extract () to your folder of choice. This is done with the following command (note this requires Ruby and RubyGems, which are not part of all OSX Leopard installations): Homebrew Homebrew has a formula for stable FFmpeg releases.
To add metadata to the FLV file-such as video length, which is required for the Flash player progress bar-you need to install (). 3 Answers Sorted by: 107 There are three options, sorted by complexity: Homebrew (or other package managers) Static builds Compile yourself To follow this you need to have a bit of knowledge using a terminal/shell under macOS. Use the following command to transcode an AVI to FLV (Flash video) format:įmpeg -i mymovie.avi -s 320x240 -ar 44100 -r 12 mymovie.flvĬat mymovie.flv | flvtool2 -U stdin mymovie.flv You're now ready to use ffmpeg the following command lists all the supported input and output formats: Sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg The value should be 1-100, the higher the number, the better the quality. Compile ffmpeg for macOS or use ffmpeg from Homebrew ( brew install ffmpeg) Run with -q:v 65. Note that this does not work with Rosetta 2. Now execute the following commands in a terminal shell: This works from FFmpeg 4.4 and higher its based on this commit. dmg file, navigate to the mounted disk, and control-click on the ffmpegX application (ffmpegX.app), choose Show Package Contents from the pop-up menu, and copy the ffmpeg binary to, for example, /tmp.
The following is my adaptation of the instruction, where I show you how to install both ffmpeg and flvtool2.įirst, download ffmpegx, which contains ffmpeg from I tried to install ffmpeg using ports and fink, but had problems. This works from FFmpeg 4.4 and higher it's based on this commit. This is a short tutorial on how to quickly get up to speed with FLV movie creation (transcoding) and viewing (Flash player).